A Coming Emergency?

De facto and de jure. The same, yet very different.


With things being as they are in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, many believe that the world has never been closer to war in recent decades as it is today. Whilst war is seen to suit many, there are other options available to western governments that could suit both their needs and those of their economies rather better than outright conflict. The author would like to thank @DogsareLoyal1s for his invaluable insight into certain matters.

A Time of Peace, not of War.

Today we are at a curious yet very dangerous juncture in our history, various powerful forces steering the western political course, and for a number of reasons. The US-led West is desperate for at least one large war, the American markets needing a solution to the imminent explosion of the current financial bubble. A war economy would provide at least some leeway in order that Wall St drags itself out of the hole it has dug, yet as much as military contractors want the money, a state of war would present serious complications for multiple reasons. All this is incidentally happening as the pandemic ends, a good number of people now filing lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies and governments alike, this making an already difficult domestic situation even worse. There is however a solution. If the financial sector wants to survive, the government avoid pandemic lawsuits and military contractors want a de facto if not de jure war, the White House amongst others could declare a state of emergency.

A State of Emergency.

Before we look at how this could affect global events, we first need to examine what a state of emergency actually means. There is a very good link here for those readers who wish to examine this in greater depth, but this also needs to be considered in the light of current events.

Quite how the White House or London would present their modern-day senatus consultum ultimum is open to conjecture, yet with all things being as they are, various statements would be made to the effect of ‘protecting Europe from the alleged Russian/Chinese menace, be that through interference, war, hacking or other malign actions on the part of the Moscow/Beijing.’ Whilst garnering support on both sides of the Atlantic as well as on both sides of every governmental house sympathetic to Washington’s politics, there are certain other factors that come into play when such declarations are made. These are the restrictions that can be imposed upon the freedoms and liberties enjoyed by the public in peacetime. This can mean anything from curfews to curtailment of movement, emergency powers allowing governments a virtual carte blanche to impose any restrictions they wish. The whole pretext of a state of emergency is based on the Roman concept of Justitium, this potentially leading to the draconian measures imposed over a thousand years ago as that empire faced the same difficulties as the West does today. These powers are little-known in the West, yet the consequences of them being invoked can also include the suspension of legal proceedings as well as freedom of speech. Quite where that may lead the ‘free world’ is anybody’s guess, yet anyone who know western politicians will be rightfully afraid.

Phoney War.

The state of play in Washington and elsewhere had changed dramatically in the last ten years, previously unthinkable actions being brought not only to the fore but into action as the White House frantically tries to maintain its grip on global dominance. Sanctions and tariffs are now the bread and butter of its hybrid war against any nation that displeases it, complicity from Brussels almost guaranteed. In this vein, a state of emergency would be of great interest to western powers, them being able to enjoy the advantages of conflict without the legal constraints involved with an actual declaration of war; the ills that face the West both at home and abroad can be conveniently managed under ‘peacetime’ economic conditions.

A Milestone in Malaya.

The only time that an emergency has been declared during the last century was when yet another empire faced its ignominious end more than seventy years ago. Faced with communist insurgents in Malaya during the late 1940s, the British needed to take urgent action in order to retain their control over the country, yet still suffering the effects of the Second World War, it could ill afford another de jure war. This ‘get out clause’ meant that by declaring an emergency rather than a war, those affected by the happenings of a de facto war were still able to claim insurance payouts. Whilst this little-known conflict is now confined to the history books, the decision made by London at the time serves as a very interesting precedent for the current global situation.

The United States in Emergency.

Insurance claims for the US at least would not be a great problem, yet there a a couple of major hurdles facing Washington that urgently need attention, a state of emergency being a excellent manner in which to address these problems.

The first of these issues is the fact that politics and arms contractors now act as one. Take the military money out of election campaigns and lawmakers are going to be looking at vastly reduced income. This relationship also ensures that there is constant demand for the wares these contractors tout, politicians entering office with military money and contractors walking out of the door with vast profits. This has been the status quo for decades, yet with both parties being as greedy as they are, a conflict raging far from America’s shores means both get fat on the results.

Another elephant in the room which has been ignored by the media is the growing outrage in western countries against the effects of the pandemic. With the huge number of alleged vaccine injuries and deaths, legal cases are being lodged against both pharmaceutical companies and governments. Whilst scarcely reported, a tsunami of public anger is rising, the scale of which is equal to the measures taken by administrations around the globe. Former conspiracy theories have over the last two years come to be the new normal, this threatening many of the most powerful politicians today.

The final reason is that with western powers being as hard pressed as they are to push Russia around, any effort to do the same with China is going to result in abject failure. The western establishment may beat its chest at any and every opportunity, yet the war in Afghanistan has shown that for as much money that governments throw at America’s wars, a bunch of guys in sandals with AKs can turn any corner of the world into an American defeat given weapons and time. The current scenario sees both Russia and China playing a waiting game whilst armed to the teeth, both East and West knowing the outcome of any future war, declared or otherwise. Bushfire conflicts can most certainly play into the hands of Wall St and the White House, yet should war be declared, it could be game over stateside.


In an age of unprecedented global instability, the failing western empire may follow the path that led to the collapse of the Romans all those years ago. As the East rises up, the West today simply cannot rise to the occasion, increasingly divided and weakened societies unable to either stand for what’s right or support the burdens that the current political status quo imposes upon them. For all the benefits offered to the few by war, this ties their hands in so many ways, the phoney war of emergency being just the ticket governments need to keep the western bandwagon rolling a little while longer. The world has a new normal imposed upon it, unelected individuals such as Bill Gates harnessing the woke and climate change brigades in their quest to foist yet more restrictions on the public. If administrations were to move in this direction, not only would vaccine mandates (even for children) be much easier to enforce, but so would the restrictions on movement beloved of so many environmentalists. A state of emergency would play into their hands, the eventual failure of pharmaceutical companies to milk the pandemic for all it is worth translating into control through other methods. The recent state of panic is now transitioning into a state of war; a state of emergency would give the few the totalitarian state they so desperately want.

5 responses to “A Coming Emergency?”

  1. The collapse of the Roman Empire was due first to the plagues, before the Antonine and then that Giustinian, the other different conjectures are a myth, established by little-prudent historians.


    1. The plagues caused mass deaths which weakened the Roman Empire in the face of its adversaries. Rome was therefore forced to take ever more drastic measures to protect itself.


  2. You read what is already happening here at Spain, the prime Minister decmared the state of emergency, with laws that are totally dictatorial, they have access to your bank accounts, you have to work for them, just for free.


    1. I know all too well what’s going on in Spain. I’ll sit outside on the terrace rather than take any poison from Insalud!


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