Baltic Battles?

Gonzalo Lira may not be name known to many in the West, but he certainly has a firm grip on current affairs.


Sundays are more usually dedicated to less serious articles than this, yet a video posted by Gonzalo Lira gives a lot of pause for thought. This longer article will look at the reasons events may happen as well as the events themselves. In the interests of brevity, links will be provided to previous posts in order that the reader gain a better understanding of certain key points without making this article inordinately long. The author would like to thank @Dogsareloyal1s for his invaluable assistance in the writing of this article.

Kicking the Can.

Before looking at what may happen in Northern Europe, we first have to look elsewhere in order that we understand why three small nations have become hugely important squares on the Eurasian chessboard.

The path followed not only by recent US administrations but also the western establishment that is tied to them have seen ever more storm clouds appearing on the horizon. It was in late 2019 that the Federal Reserve was forced to employ a process of ‘repo loans’ in order that a good number of Wall Street giants not become insolvent during night-time trading due to a lack of liquidity. The sums involved were huge, and although this matter was largely kept out of the public eye, up to $120bn per night was earmarked for rescues if the circumstances dictated it. Move forward a few months and with the Covid pandemic permitting the Fed to quite literally print unlimited money, the wolf was kept from the doors of the White House, Fed and Wall Street for a year or so more. Fast forward to today and we see US debt now above $30tn, the US economy in great trouble and with Washington making ever-greater donations to the Ukrainian cause, more money will need to be pulled out of thin air as we move into the near future.

The Ukraine is Getting Kicked.

There are even more important issues in play here. After the Maidan coup of 2014, both the Ukraine and its leaders, Poroshenko and Zelenskiy became the poster boys for the alleged ‘democracy’ that the US has forced onto Eastern Europe, unlimited support being given to Kiev before and after Russia launched its Special Military Operation in the Ukraine in February of this year. In the nearly four months that the conflict has raged, in spite of the immense efforts made by the West to support its proxy war, the country is being crushed as much by its own failings as by Russian ability. According to the Ukrainian government, an average of one thousand soldiers per day are lost in the war through either death, injury or capture. In terms of deaths, according to official sources in Kiev, it has lost anything between forty five to seventy thousand. Apart from this appalling loss of life, the critical factor here is that this is being stonewalled by the western media. In spite of all the wailing concerning Russian operations, the effect of these maneuvers is being meticulously swept out of the view of anyone who wants to read the truth.

The Ukrainian-American Balance.

Looking at the West and the Ukraine apart, they are different in the extreme, yet with the West having given the support it has not only to Kiev, but also the politics of the US-led Drang nach Osten, should events in the Ukraine turn sour, the fortunes of the West will turn sourer still. The West has over recent years cornered itself into needing a war in order to justify the creation of yet more money, yet with the conflict happening as it is, the West is on the back foot after just a few months. The Ukrainian poster boy of yesterday was a freckled, gap-toothed home boy that could be paraded in front of the western masses, yet with Moscow having achieved what it has, Zelenskiy and his land are now a fat, spotty adolescent with nazi tattoos that is today best kept out if the spotlight unless on his best behavior. Furthermore, with the addiction that the US economy now has for money, raising the debt ceiling in order to keep the economy afloat is becoming a regular charade, every trillion more just kicking the can of inevitable financial collapse further down the road. It is for that reason that the Baltic region may become the next European hotspot as western desperation becomes acute.

When we add together the fact that Washington’s pet project has casualties going up at the same moment that the American economy is going down, it becomes difficult to avoid alarming conclusions.

Eastern European Events.

After Russia launched its military operation, on the other side of the border, little has been done to disguise the maneuvering done by NATO in the Baltic region, an increase in both assets and movements as the West impotently beats its chest in the face of its failure in the Ukraine. And that is all it can really do, short of starting an actual shooting war. The fact that Lithuania has now cut off the rail link between Russia and Kaliningrad is obviously going to raise tensions even higher than they already are, yet due to sanctions and a proxy war on the part of the West achieving nothing at all, this would not be the first time that a false-flag operation could be used to start a war convenient to Washington. Should that hot war start, we have to investigate what that may mean for the region.

Baltic Balance.

We now need to look more closely at the Baltic region. The three Baltic nations of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were part of the USSR until 1991, the fall of the Soviet Union allowing them to become apparently sovereign states. The three countries became EU and NATO member states in 2004, yet in spite of the fact that at first glance they appear to now be independent nations, their membership to the two aforementioned organizations has meant that rather than being players in the unions to which they belong, in truth they have been played from the outset. The western world has dreamt of conquering Russia since long before either organization was formed and these three sparsely-populated yet strategically placed countries are ideally situated for those nations looking to repeat Operation Barbarossa.

Since the end of the USSR and their gaining independence, the civilian populations of all three states have dropped sharply in stark contrast to the number of NATO troops who use these lands as a platform from which to intimidate the Russian Federation. What is of importance however is the fact that the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, covered in a previous article is bordered by both Poland and Lithuania. The latter had an agreement with Russia until very recently allowing unhindered rail transport from Russia to Kaliningrad, yet with Vilnius being a weapon in NATO’s and Brussels hands, this link is now closed.

Baltic Bystanders.

In addition to the three Baltic states proper, the nations of Poland and Belarus are also pivotal in affairs in the region. Belarus is for obvious reasons, right at Russia’s side, it being invaluable to Moscow during its operation in the Ukraine. Poland is also a key player in the area, it, along with Lithuania historically dominating a large swathe of territory which is now part of the Ukraine. More importantly, Moscow and Warsaw have not been on good terms for centuries, yet since Poland’s accession to NATO, it can be argued that Warsaw has been closer to Washington than to Brussels, the Polish government being a very helpful ally to the US as it attempts to interfere in Eastern European affairs.

Battle of the Baltic.

Once we have considered that the Baltic states are NATO territory rather than one controlled from Brussels or Washington as is the case with the Ukraine, the prognosis for all three states would be as gloomy as it is for Kiev today. After four months of Russia fighting against an army that has been coordinated from the West using the best intelligence available in addition to it being very well-armed, the whole Ukrainian scenario is an utter shambles. If a similar conflict was to happen in the Baltic region, a similar outcome would ensue.

Battle Hardened.

We must remember that to date, the Russian Armed Forces in the Ukraine have not been operating at full capacity, and years of belligerence from Washington have made them hate the West. If there was to be a hot war pitching Russia versus the West, although there are huge differences due to numbers and the equipment used, the intelligence and planning of operations would have no real room for improvement. Furthermore, with the West already having given so much to its Ukrainian cause, one has to ask whether material shortfalls in expendable resources may cause it difficulties should this (to date) hypothetical conflict take place. As mentioned by Gonzalo Lira, many Ukrainian soldiers are trained along NATO lines, and operations to date have been controlled by NATO member states, yet remembering that Russia has beaten these tactics across the board in its Special Military Operation, should men from the Atlantic Alliance go to war, they are going to do so under identical ideology and then subsequently fail in the exact same manner as the Ukrainians have. The experience that the Russian Armed Forces have will also give a decisive advantage. This is borne out by former western servicemen who went to the Ukraine as mercenaries and commented on the desperate situations they found there, completely incapable of either defending themselves or stopping Russian advances. Should western soldiers with little or no real battlefield experience go toe-to-toe with Moscow’s men, the result will invariably be similar.

Stop at Suwałki.

This post is examining the implications and possibilities of conflict rather than a war in itself, yet a previous article outlined this very scenario in more detail. Should Moscow become involved, it has no intention whatsoever in conquering Europe despite the fact that the majority of the continent has been attempting to do this to Russia for decades. A logical place for Russian advances to stop would be near the Polish town of Suwałki, this ensuring that there is a land bridge between Belarus and Kaliningrad, meaning that the city is no longer an isolated exclave. With that, the Baltic states would again become part of Russia.

The Nuclear Option.

With the US needing a war and there being no possibility of conventional operations effecting the desired victory against Russia, there is only one option left for the West, this being a nuclear strike. There is a gulf of difference between the doctrines of Moscow and Washington, that of a first strike option being paramount. This option has never been refuted by Washington, yet Russia has publicly stated that this is not part of its doctrine; Moscow will only use atomic weapons as an act of retaliation in the case that others first use them against the Russian Federation. The fact that the US has only maintained its global status through striking other less fortunate nations cannot be ignored, yet even despite the changes we see today, the collective West is not going up against a nation that cannot defend itself. In fact, after looking at Eastern Europe since February, it is blatantly obvious that the Russian Federation is more than capable of defending itself in a proxy war, even when the West is giving its everything. In the face of an opponent that cannot be defeated by conventional means, the nuclear option will obviously be at the front of the military’s mind in DC, this being the nation that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, turned the Middle East to rubble, lied about Iraqi WMDs, yet will not tell the truth about the WMDs it was itself developing in biolabs in the Ukraine until only a few months ago. Moreover, although there are over 120 countries worldwide that are now signatories to the International Criminal Courts, the US, unlike Russia is not one of them. In light of this, there is a growing awareness amongst certain social groups to the real situation regarding western foreign policy.

Look the Other Way.

With the US suffering the economic woes that afflict it today, a big war is the only excuse it has left to warrant the creation of yet more fiat money. John Stockwell’s book ‘In Search of Enemies’, described how the US government through the National Security Doctrine creates enemies in order to pour money into the military industry. This in turn is very profitable for corporations who can then effectively blackmail politicians into supporting a certain cause. Should they not do so, that corporation may move elsewhere in the US, dealing the lawmaker a career-ending blow. The war that the West craves with Russia is only desired (and beneficial to) a very select few players in Washington who have a disproportionate influence in world affairs yet detrimental to pretty much everyone else across the globe.


In the absence of a casus belli, one may well be created, the loss of millions being engineered to delay the inevitable loss by Washington and Wall Street, yet just like like the gamble that the Ukrainian situation has become, when you lose, you lose big. In the face of one failure, an even bigger one may be created, decades of complacency and arrogance finally bringing western dominance of the East by the West to an end.

To that end, Vladimir Putin stated that during his recent speech at the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum that ‘After declaring victory in the Cold War, the United States proclaimed itself to be God’s messenger on Earth, without any obligations and only interests which were declared sacred.’ Even in spite of the changes occurring before our very eyes, this presumption of superiority still persists amongst many of the general public in many western nations, thirty years of doing as Uncle Sam pleased leaving many under the impression that he can continue doing so.

That said, an increasing number of people are waking up to what the West actually is and what is wants to do. With the situation being as it is however, this may unfortunately be too little and too late. Should the Washington and its allies continue unchecked, the consequences will in the future wreak far greater changes on the West than those already under way across the rest of the world, and there are a goodly number of people in Washington that understand this very well indeed.

Many in the West would lament the loss of the Baltic states in the same way as they have wailed about the Ukraine, yet when one considers that during the last twenty years, these states have been crucial squares on Uncle Sam’s chessboard, Russia denying them to the West may finally mean checkmate for Washington…

4 responses to “Baltic Battles?”

  1. […] Tuesday, 21 June 2022 — The Van Says… […]


  2. […] from the Russian Federation to the exclave of Kaliningrad. This article subsequent to a previous one that examined the Baltic states from another angle, will look at what this means and what reaction […]


  3. […] territory from the Russian Federation to the exclave of Kaliningrad. This article subsequent to a previous one that examined the Baltic states from another angle, will look at what this means and what reaction […]


  4. As a secondary thought to this great article, one should fully understand that the syndicate #Mafia in DC is so desperate needing high political clout as mid term elections are coming fast. With the Biden admin pulling out of Afghanistan, the loss of the JCPOA that Israel talked the US to pull out of to further “Bit” the Islamic Republic of Iran, that as with blaming “RUSSIA” for the decline of the US economy. All actually part of the WEF, UN, and Agenda 2030. That the US hasn’t won anything in the Middle East in over 20 years. In fact, even with Russia gaining on all fronts, that NATO looks to be neutered also.
    But there’s more… While the US is losing on all grounds, it would seem that Iran is gaining in 5 major areas. So as the sanctions continue, those like Russia, Iran, Syria, and even the Saudi’s are winning. Russia and others are going around the syndicates blockade of all commerce via their banking tool with the use of sanctions. Yet Russia, Saudi’s, Iran, as well as Syria are making gains financially, with help also via China who is also forming military and economic support. Why? The deal is the totally BREAK the US dollar’s hegemony. So forming an alternate SWIFT payment system, and trading in their own currencies.

    An example of this is in the following headlines.
    Iran and Donetsk Sign Agreement To Strengthen Trade Relations –
    Venezuelan leader, Iranian president sign 20-year agreement – ABC
    Iran, Qatar sign major agreements on Raisi’s Doha trip –

    Naturally yesterday the Biden admin followed with fresh sanctions on Iran. One should note, that every-time the US sanctions someone, they are cutting their own throat financially. As many countries are past being tired of having millions of their citizens being starved to death, medical treatment or equipment denied, and mostly at the urging of Israel. Israel who also has a strong presence in the Ukraine in supplying arms to the Azov Nazi’s. I’ll say that again, Israel or the Jew’s are arming Nazi’s. Let that sink in. Israel’s losing in Palestine, and there is a leaked report that the “Jew’s are Khazar’s, with a reverse migration plan to the Ukraine.

    I would encourage all to look up the Pale of Settlement, and Poland, as well as the history of the Ukraine as well as the Holodomor in1921, as videos surface of tons of grains being burned by the Ukraine Army today. Also, Iran is running the clock out on the JCPOA that will end shortly in 2023.
    The West burdened by it’s financial mess dating back decades to the S&L crisis, UBBI, the other 2008/9 mortgage fraud that cost millions their pensions, homes, and some their lives. This waning influence is to the point where others are simply saying no to US requests, and aligning themselves with Russia, and China.

    Already in the EU they are telegraphing how bad the future is going to be, shortages of oil, and LNG gas, will mean their economies are going to come to a crawl. Personally I would look to those like Germany who depend on Russian gas, to also break with the United States, as their government has been occupied since WWII ended. In all, like the US dealing with other countries, having them act as a proxy for the US has only cost them everything, while the US gloated before, but their economies suffered hard.

    Finally add all this NWO, World Government, WEF, and many don’t look forward to this global tyranny that’s being pushed on all. Just as I remember the sarcastic tweet from China, whereas the Chinese were asked to help “Contain” Russia, to their reply, “Help us with Russia, as you are next!? The Chinese know what’s up also. We see an Empire in it’s death throws now. And while the US want’s to blame others, let me remind you of the endless wars fought for decades, none of which have Americans their freedom’s, or security, just a increased Police State, with hundreds of thousands of dead veterans of them wars. It’s the corporations whom like with this CV-19 who have made more Billionaires who profited off the death’s of others. People, mainly American’s, are seeing this fraud, as well as the claim that it’s all to “save lives,” as arms sales and abortions, kill hundreds of thousands annually.

    The biggest joke of course is watching that criminal Dr. Fauci tell the Ukrainian soldiers about getting vaccinated with a gene editing mRNA fake vaccine, that was supposed to have a 94% effectiveness at saving lives. Why, since even those Ukraine and other soldiers, and paramilitary, are daily dying by the hundreds, not only in Ukraine but World wide, and then in battle.

    I have to laugh as I have been around 6 decades, and have watched children playing in the snow, rain, flooded streets, and now their death’s are as a side effect of those fake vaccines, all being blamed on climate change. Do they think we are idiots? Or a new SAD, Sudden Adult Death. Oddly also apparently no one post WWII learned anything from the Nuremberg Code, ot a doctor’s Oath which comes from that same code of “Doing no harm.”

    The Corporations are now controlling the governments, those like the DAVOS group, made countless billions of dollars raping the planet, poisoning the water, lands, and air, and now want to blame Us for all, and make us pay to clean up what they got filthy rich off. The Green Deal’s will kill millions, or billions, as that is their goal.


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